We start the path in the valley and first follow the stream, then start climbing through the forest. When we come out of the forest, we will have some beautiful views. Towards the east and southeast, a view opens up towards Maribor with Urban. On the south side we can see the Drava valley all the way from Maribor to Ruše and the eastern part of Pohorje, and on the western side the southern slopes of the eastern part of Kozjak with Žavcarjev vrh flourish. In the last part, the path leads us again through the forest, first to the former home of craftsmen, from where it is only a few minutes to the forest-covered peak.
Near Tojzlov vrh there is also a popular lookout point Gaj above Maribor.
More interesting tours:
- Duh on Ostri vrh (903 m) - 4 hours
- Urban (597 m) - 1.5 hours
- Path type: hiking trail
- Distance: 3.5 km
- Altitude difference: 670 m
- Starting point: Šober
- Google Earth KML file
- GPX file

Turistično informacijski center Maribor
Partizanska cesta 6a, 2000 Maribor