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World-class performances

World-class performances

The world's largest stages love Maribor's theater. In the 1990s, it was led by the globally acclaimed director Tomaž Pandur. The Maribor Ballet has been brought to the world by its artistic director Edward Clug, a major star among choreographers.

Maribor on global stages

A true immersion into Maribor's vibrant cultural tapestry is incomplete without experiencing the captivating performances of the Slovene national theatre Maribor (SNG Maribor).

Renowned director Tomaž Pandur's grand productions drew theatre enthusiasts from far and wide. Today, the magic continues under the artistic leadership of world-acclaimed choreographer Edward Clug, who guides the ballet ensemble to new heights. The Maribor Opera's captivating performances have earned a loyal following, not just in Slovenia but also across neighboring countries. 

The magic of Maribor's theatrical scene unfolds in various venues: puppets come to life at the Puppet theatre housed in a former Franciscan monastery, Edward Clug's ballet graces the SNG Maribor stage, and the city park echoes with the enchanting voices of the Maribor Opera soloists.

Theatrical spectacles

Slovenian and European theater converge in Maribor

Don't miss out

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