Find Me & Collect All!

Find Me & Collect All!

For those who are curious and like to explore, Maribor’s museums, gallery, archive and library invite you to take part in Find Me & Collect All! Visitors of all generations are invited to cross their entrances and discover interesting objects from their collections. Find everything from 3,000-year-old jewellery to a glass goblet (perhaps for the wine of the world's oldest vine?) at eight locations in the centre of Maribor.

Poišči me in zberi vse!

All eight of the museums’ selected objects are also depicted on postcards, so you can collect them yourselves one by one on your way from museum to museum, until you’ve collected all eight postcards! If you happen not to visit all locations, you can also find the missing postcards or the set of all eight postcards at the Tourist Information Centre Maribor.

Our museums, gallery, archive and library hold objects in their collections that tell stories about Maribor's history, remind us of wonderful as well as bitter moments from the past, enrich our everyday, stir our imaginations and anchor us in space and time. Through them, we can learn about the exciting history and colourful character of the city on the river Drava.

You are invited to tag social media posts about your visits and your discoveries of the museum objects with the hashtags #visitmaribor and #ifeelsLOVEnia.

The experience is organised by Maribor Puppetry Museum, National Liberation Maribor, Oldest Vine Museum, Regional Archives Maribor, Maribor Regional Museum, Maribor Synagogue, Maribor Art Gallery and University of Maribor Library.

Find me and collect all!

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