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Vetrinjski Dvor Mansion

Vetrinjski Dvor Mansion

The most important bourgeois house in Maribor

Seat of the first theatre in Maribor

On the place where the street Vetrinjska ulica separates from the square Grajski trg, stands the mansion Vetrinjski dvor, the most important bourgeois house in Maribor, actually it was an old estate, which when it changed its owner also changed its name (Breunerjev dvorec, Naskova hiša, Berdajsova hiša).


Its core dates from the 14th century and at the same time it is built in a late Baroque style. It has a beautiful stone cut portal, which is crowned with the coat of arms of the Counts of Breuner. The house chapel of St. Florian, in the south tract, was concreted in 1519, in the eastern wing, which stands on remains of the old town wall, are the remains of a hall where between 1785 and 1806 theatrical performances were organized.

The building, which until 1814 was the seat of the regional office, is a beautiful example of a large town mansion, which with four wings closed off the courtyard, uniting administrative and houserooms.