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Rectorate of the University of Maribor

Rectorate of the University of Maribor

Seat of University of Maribor

Maribor is one of the most important university cities in the country

The Rectorate, seat of the University of Maribor, is located in the square Slomškov trg in the building of the former town savings bank, Mestne hranilnice. The façade is completely preserved, the interior and the courtyard were between the years 1995 and 2000 newly built.

Do you know the men of note in front of the entrance?

  • Herman Potočnik – Noordung, pioneer of space technology,
  • dr. Matija Murko, literary historian and ethnologist, 
  • dr. Pavel Turner, humanist, publicist and national educator and
  • dr. Fran Miklošič, professor, leading philologist of the 19th century 

Development of the University of Maribor reaches back to the 19th century and today Maribor is the second most important university city with 20.000 students, who can choose from numerous study courses.