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Drava Cycling Route

Drava Cycling Route

An international long-distance cycling route.

The Cycling Route in the Slovenian and Croatian territories is divided into 6 stages:

  • Dravograd – Radlje ob Dravi (29 km)  
  • Radlje ob Dravi – Maribor (45 km)
  • Maribor – Ptuj (30 km)
  • Ptuj – Ormož (28 km)
  • Ormož – Varaždin (30 km)
  • Varaždin – Legrad (52 km)

The Drava Cycling Route, an international long-distance cycling route, begins its Slovenian journey in Dravograd and continues to wind its way along the Drava through 145 km of Slovenian landscape. It continues its way towards Croatia towards Varaždin, all the way up to Legrad, where Mura river discharges into Drava river.

You are invited to discover the Drava river’s beauty and the enjoyment it gives to bikers along the way! The route path, due to the rise in the section between Podvelka and Fala, is suitable for better-prepared cyclists or is recommended to use the train.

Other parts of the bicycle route are also suitable for less prepared cyclists.

Additional indormation:


  • Path type: cycling trail
  • Distance: 145 km
  • Starting point: Libeliče border crossing or Vič border crossing
  • Difficulty: medium demanding
  • Google Earth KML file
  • GPX file