Maribor is the city of world’s oldest grapevine, which also has a bicycle path named after it.
The route begins at the Maribor Tourist Information Centre, from where we set off through the city to the riverside Lent district and the Oldest Grapevine, the world’s oldest vine, where we also stop to visit the Oldest Grapevine, a temple of winemaking tradition and culture. We then continue along the bank of the Drava to Malečnik, where we begin an up-and-down ride through Vodole, Ruperče, Pernica and its lake, to Jarenina and its manor house, where we stop to visit the Dveri-Pax wine cellars.
The return route passes through Gačnik to Pesnica and through Košaški Klanec along the Šentilj road back to the Maribor Tourist Information Centre.
Free cycling map With a bike through Maribor and its surroundings in PDF format, sign 1
- Path type: cycling trail
- Distance: 37 km
- Altitude difference: 150 m
- Starting point: TIC Maribor
- Difficulty: medium demanding
- Google Earth KML file
- GPX file

Turistično informacijski center Maribor
Partizanska cesta 6a
2000 Maribor