Lake Črno jezero lies between Osankarica and Veliki vrh at1200 m above sea level. The lake is overgrown with pine and peat moss. For years and years organic waste from dead plants and animals has accumulated at the bottom of the lake and over the course of time created a thick layer of silt, which is a dark, black colour. Due to this the lake looks as though it is full of ink, although the water is crystal clear. Crno jezero, with its forest surroundings, is protected as a forest reserve. From the Trije Kralji Ski Resort, walk in the direction of the Črno Jezero Lake, to the Osankarica Hut and to the battlefield of the Pohorje Battalion.
- Path type: hiking trail
- Distance: 2.7 km
- Altitude difference: 230 m
- Starting point: Trije kralji - Črno jezero (2,7 km, 40 min), Črno jezero – Osankarica (1,3 km, 20 min), Osankarica – Bojišče Pohorskega bataljona (1,5 km, 30 min), Osankarica – Trije kralji (4 km)
- Duration: 40 min
- Difficulty: easy
- Google Earth KML file
- GPX file

Turistično-informacijski center Maribor
Partizanska cesta 6a
2000 Maribor