Upper Slovenske Gorice wine-tourist road

Upper Slovenske Gorice wine-tourist road

The road that winds through wine-growing hills along the Austrian border offers a view of the heart-shaped wine road.

The road full of magnificent vistas

The most northern of three wine roads that begin in Maribor at the Old Vine in Lent winds through wine-growing hills of the most upper part of Slovenske Gorice along the Austrian border. You will be awarded with magnificent views in all directions and also a vista of a unique heart-shaped wine road. Upper Slovenske Gorice wine-tourist road leads through lovely places of St. George, Svečina, Plač, Kungota, Velka, Jarenina, Pernica and Jakobski Dol. Win

e-growing farms in this part of Slovenske Gorice are famous for their rich selection of quality fruit, so reserves some space for a box of apples or bottles of excellent wine.

Providers and attractions by the route

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